Obstacle Class Training (OCT)

Demand for versatile and engaging obstacle class training (OCT) spaces is growing. Obstacle Design Group offers expertly designed custom and preconfigured OCT solutions to create effective, scalable and profitable training areas.



How do you train? Sports? Health Club Membership? Obstacle Course Races? Begin the process by understanding first how you want you or your members to reach their goals.


Based on your application selections, what type of space best suits your training needs? Open floor, sectional location, enclosed room?



Your application is identified. You have chosen the optimal training space. Now determine what products will best fit your space and engage your training participants.

Turnkey and feature solutions provide a structured method for delivering compelling OCT spaces within your facility.
Pre-configured obstacle training spaces and modules make it easy to design flexible, scalable, and profitable group training spaces in less time.



Three categories of OCT features are (low elevation courses, challenge towers, and training rigs,) two levels of difficulty, and one method to make designing small group training simple and easy.


Turn Key

Pre-configured plug and play solutions for playground style or obstacle class training spaces.



Have a stand alone obstacle or two to build interest with your members and create an in-house goal. Choose from 3 state of the art obstacles to implement in you space with less than 150 sqft.